Of course, Beau looked smashing in his kilt and he was all ready to pipe this bride down the aisle. I was so proud we were third in the ferry line. The bad part was I had five miles left in my gas tank. I do not know why I let it get so low. Maybe it was my to do list that was propped up in front of my gas gauge obstructing my view. Or maybe I like the excitement of living on the edge. No worries, I told Beau. The resort was right off the ferry so we would be able to go, get back on the ferry, and have two miles to find a gas station. Perfect. Here is a really strange picture I took from the van looking through the indoor seating area and out another window.

We found the resort tucked down by the water. It was beautiful with the misty rain falling on the shoreline. It looked kind of empty though. I knew it was a smaller wedding, but I was pretty sure we weren't the only people attending. I knocked on the office door. Locked. I stood there trying to decide what to do. I saw what looked like an employee carrying a stack of wood into a shed. I asked her if there was a wedding party running around anywhere. She pointed upstairs to a large cabin. As I was walking up the steps with Beau she said,
"Ya, I am pretty sure the wedding is tomorrow."
See, this is the great thing about Beau. He didn't even get mad at me. He didn't miss a beat. He knows his mom too well to get upset over such a small matter. I mean, this was going to needlessly take up half his day and he was now freezing his little knee caps off in that kilt for nothing. But he just smiled at me as I grimaced. We walked inside to find a lovely family enjoying the peaceful setting. Just enjoying their day. And now there were three total strangers standing in their living room. One looking ready for battle. I decided it was best to be positive. So I said,
"Hi! Well yes...I must have written the date down wrong but NOW you can hear the tunes for yourself and choose which ones you would like played for tomorrow. It's sort of like a dress rehearsal!"
Then I joked that Beau could sleep over on the wood pile until tomorrow.
They were so nice. They made me tea and played with Havensong and gave her snacks. Beau played so well it made me get all teary eyed. They loved everything he played and decided Beau would walk with the Bride to her place the next day. The bride's Grandpa was especially sweet and he even took time to pray for Havensong. It was so sweet hearing his soft voice ask God to bless her and keep her. She looked up at him with her pretty little eyes, still munching on her orange slice and softly gave him a fist bump!
We said goodbye and then raced back to the ferry, realizing we had about four minutes until it left. There would have been a two hour break if we missed it. And it's not like we could have driven around the island sightseeing. But we made it. We got lunch, had coffee, and met Tayler and Molly at the bridal shops to choose the bridesmaids dresses. Beau was all decked out so he handed out cards to the bridal shops. One lady asked him if he was a store model, which he much appreciated. It turned out to be a great day. I wasn't going to get all upset over my mistake. Those are not the kinds of things that stress me out. Any time I get to spend with my kids is good, no matter where we are. Now we just have something to look back on and laugh about.
I better hit the hay...I have a wedding in the morning! Again.
Love it...
ReplyDeleteMichelle, Your wonderful mistakes turn into even more wonderful adventures. Yes, Beau does look like a store model, he's grown into such a handsome young man. Ron and I miss not only his piping (not quite as polished in those days, but the wonderful laughter of all of your children and others in the neighborhood laughing and playing. Miss all of you, have a good wedding trip (again).
ReplyDeleteThe Boat House
I love it Michelle! Yes it is so you to be scatter-brained and get the date wrong, but it is also so you to make a good memory whenever possible!
ReplyDeleteI love that your kids walk in grace with you.
Hope the do-over is great!
Ok - so the Unknown is me Ginny, why is it saying I am unknown to your blog?
ReplyDeleteI don't know Ginny! I want your name here!! I love your comments and you!