I was in the car with Beau today. I said something to him and he looked at me like I was crazy. That seems to be happening more and more as he gets older. We had stopped for coffee earlier in the day and were still driving. There was no "end" in sight, and I didn't know if I was going to make it. Let's just say that at that moment in time, I was glad the Trenta had NOT arrived in Washington yet. I would have been in trouble.
I couldn't take it any longer and yelled,
Beau's head snapped around and he looked at my mouth. "What's wrong?", he asked. I repeated it calmly. He was still looking at my mouth.
"Ya know...I'm going to wet my pants," I said.
"What does that have to do with your teeth?! And why are they floating?"
I took a deep breath, and I thought of how to explain this. I pointed out that if your bladder was really, really full, it would overflow and keep filling up, up, up, until your teeth began to float. He grimaced and shook his head. "That doesn't even make sense and I don't know what you are talking about" He said. I told him it's an expression that everyone says. It's a very common phrase. He just put his head phones back in and stared ahead. I insisted he listen to me. "So you won't ever say that phrase?" I asked. "NO", he said...."That's just gross...pee coming out of your mouth?!" Well.....now that he put it
that way.
I may never say it again myself...
I can't believe how wide the generational gap can be at times. I sat there (squirming) and laughing to myself at his disdain. I remember thinking the same thing about my parents from time to time. The thing is, I know I have carried on some of their expressions. Isn't that how it works? Things like:
Two things you can't practice for, parenting and drowning.
Don't wish your life away.
Hurting Dogs Bite.
I have to pee like a race horse. (sorry)
Y is a crooked letter.
It's like pulling hens teeth
How does it feel to want?
Hurts so good
It would make a bull dog bite it's chain
If you run with a skunk, you will smell like a skunk,
Does Raggedy Ann have cotton knees?
I'll knock that chip off your shoulder
You look like death standing on a corner eating Life Savers
Jodi, Jess and Candi...I am thinking of a few others....and you know which ones, but I would lose followers if I repeated them. They have to do with nuns, wishes, ponies, and 3rd graders
I looked up the expression "My teeth are floating" on Wiktionary and here is the real meaning....
Beaumy back teeth are floating
(informal) I have a strong need to urinate.
Where's the restroom? My back teeth are floating!